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New Fuel Injectors > New Jeep TBI Injector 7747-64
New Jeep TBI Injector 7747-64

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Price: $69.99
Availability: This product is back-ordered; it is unavailable for ordering at this time please come back or continue shopping.
Prod. Code: MM-7747-64

Motor Man Fuel injection is currently offering New CompleteThrottle Body Units for 1987 Jeep 2.5L equipped with the Auto Transmision.

These units may also be used on later years but you will have to use your original TPS.  please click the following link for further details. http://www.fuelinjector.citymaker.com/catalog/item/7638068/9101170.htm

We also offer new Fuel Pressure Regulator Kits as well. These will fit all TBI's from 1986-1990 please click the following link for futher details http://www.fuelinjector.citymaker.com/catalog/item/8250451/9069528.htm

New and Remanufactured injectors carry 1 year replacement warranty from date of purchase.

Customer Service: 989-644-2695

Email - motormanfuelinjection@gmail.com


Motor Man Fuel Injection

6246 W. Weidman Rd

Weidman, MI 48893